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USED VEMAG ROBOT 500 BAKERY TYPE DOUGH PORTIONING MACHINE WITH 25'' DIA x 18'' DEEP HOPPER 1. The smallest dough portioner in the VEMAG dough portioner range. Versatile use, for example for precision portion production of rye doughs, wheat doughs, firm shortcrust pastry, cake mixes and pound cake batter. 5. This unit is foot petal operated and dose not come with a control panel 6. 5g to 30,000g portion weight capacity rating 7. Approx. 25'' dia x 18'' deep two parts feed hopper with gear ream/infeed scroll 8. Double screw portioner @ 16-270rpm 9. 15cubic meter/hr. vacuum 10. 120 portion/min 11. 4kw drive motor 12. 220-240v/17amps, 400-460v/10amps 13. Mobile base 14. Bakery type 15. Last used to fill a tub with cookie dough


ModelRobot 500
Type128/90 Dough portioner